Challenges and what they mean to us


Do you wonder why we face challenges?

Sometimes they seem greater than what we think we can deal with.

The earthly world has many challenges whether daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

Challenges bring opportunities for change, growth, some call them lessons to learn from.

If your reading this and are feeling challenged its hard sometimes to rise above the pain or even, consider what the bigger picture is.

Everyone has opinions on why, but we can feel so helpless.

Here are some suggestions for you to consider.

Going for a walk can help us to reconnect to all that is and give you a chance to gather your thoughts.

Walking can be quite mediative and by going deep within you may find an answer.

Keep a journal and write your inner most thoughts so you can place them here and free your mind.

If you are someone who dreams, ask before you fall asleep for answers.

Ask if you can be shown while sleeping what the road ahead looks like.

Consider taking a few moments and sit quietly closing your eyes and bask in silence till you experience a deep stillness. In this place hand over the situations your struggling with to a greater force, set yourself free of worry, free of burdens, find some peace here.

Pay attention to where your thoughts are and try and focus on outcomes you’re looking for.

Magical things can happen if we are present.

I know it’s not always easy not knowing where too or what is next but see if you can find some peace with what is.

It’s not a time to blame it’s a time to try and be accepting and be grateful.

Yes, that can also be difficult when you feel so deeply challenged.

Gratitude has power of its own that can lift you out of disappear even if in the beginning its just for a moment.

Also know the other world does hear your thoughts they do know of your struggles.

It may not be easy to reach out to your loved ones but if you can, share your thoughts with them.

Remember to be open to the signs that appear from these conversations you have with your loved ones and trust the signs will appear; they will be there.

It may seem like a strange thing to do but the other world is there and yes, they do hear you.

One thing I have learnt over the years through many one on one readings when times are tough if you have a loved one in spirit that was good at sorting out problems and was there for you on the earth they will be near you from the spirit world in these times. Try and remember how they sorted out problems, draw on their personality traits.

They often show me in readings how their way of sorting things out may be different to you but when they are there in a session and your are going through a challenging time it is usually for this reason they offer to you to try another way to sort things out.

Your loved one may have dealt with a situation with a firm hand, some of us find this hard and this can often be the message for you from them.

I will leave you with this, in gratitude there is an energy that will lift your spirits.

Find the power within and know you are supported through rough times.

Never Alone.

Blessings and Love Marilyn xoxo