
Living as a sensitive may not always be one of the easiest experiences on earth.

Some days, it can feel quite heavy as if a dark blanket of cloud has covered your entire inner and outer being.

Often in this experience not much can be done.

It’s just a matter of time waiting for what feels like a heavy fog to lift.

One thing is for sure, you know when it has lifted and you are out of it.

I often wonder where these heavy experiences come from as my life may not be disturbed by anything to cause this.

I wonder if I am connected to all the sorrow in the world on days like this.

Living as a sensitive can mean we are aware of how others feel when we are so closely connected.

Knowing that these clouds of fog can have so many meanings and will lift is often enough to make it easier to get through days like this. Life truly is like riding the waves, some days are calm and some days are heavy but life like change is constant.

Thinking out loud.

Blessings and love Marilyn.