Vacuuming – decluttering the mind and the home

The other day I found myself vacuuming and thinking about my weekly blog, there in itself was the blog and as the inspiration flowed I raced to my computer.

We all know the importance of keeping our space clear, well it works for me that’s for sure.

As a full time Medium, teacher, mentor, author of ‘KNOWING’ my first book, a Mum and a Grandmother, there are many daily duties for me.

Oh I forgot the cat, oh yes I have a cat and she has a full time sitter (me) most of the time as one of my offices is in my home and doesn’t she love the company.

Just like I am, I’m sure you are juggling many things daily which create a busy life.

I find if things are tidy and in their place and the space around me is clear so too is my mind. I also find it’s easier to deal with a busy life and move through so much more on a day to day basis. It helps me to cope when the house is tidy and that goes for my car also. I often find that my mind can be a lot more at peace even if I am running around with daily meetings and my car is also in order.

This vacuuming technique can also be used to clear the space around your aura and only takes a few moments.

Let me guide you for a moment.

Just imagine that life has been way too busy and you need time out. Take a moment to sit quietly, closing your eyes, focusing on your breath and gently breathing in and out.

In the next moment, imagine you have a vacuum cleaner in your hand and gently move this imaginary vacuum cleaner around your feet, slowly moving it up and around the lower legs, clearing away the energy of any aches or pains. Gently moving it up around the thighs and the side of the body, sweeping away the busyness and clearing the space around your physical body. Continue to cleanse the arms, the lower torso and imagine the vacuum cleaner clearing the space behind you, around your shoulders, your neck and head area.

Breathing in and out, releasing any tension and sensing a release and lightness from all you have been involved in and all that you have been carrying around.

As the time draws near for you to open your eyes, remember to give thanks for the time you spent here cleansing your aura and giving thanks for the new energy and lightness you sense to go about your day. One last moment of breathing in and out and sensing a freshness and a lightness as you smile and open your eyes.

You can try this technique whenever you feel a little over loaded.

Back to decluttering your space, try it and see if you find life is more manageable. It doesn’t need to be a chore, see it as helping your mind to cope and the eyes having less to focus on. The more you declutter your space, the more the space becomes clearer and so too will your thoughts and clarity and life will be less stressful.

Fill your life with beautiful things, create a space that you love and love spending time in.

On a final note for now, it is always nice to have some colour in your life, I find colour touches my soul deeply and brightens my day. Whether it’s a bright cushion or some flowers in my space, flowers create a wonderful energy, bringing a lot of joy to the heart.

Blessings and love creating a sacred space and finding a little more peace in your day.

Marilyn xo

2 replies
  1. Caroline Brown
    Caroline Brown says:

    This is so beautiful and so poignant with what I’m needing and feeling right now. I’m so glad I was directed to read this particular blog tonight. Thank you for sharing a piece of you with the world, Marilyn. I am grateful.

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