Introduction to Mediumship: The Part You Play
Mediumship comes with a huge responsibility, as we sit with those here on earth and those in the other world. For me, and I am sure like many of you who are doing the work, it is truly an honour to serve the spirit world. Yes, we do serve the spirit world, they are not our servants. If we can take the time to remember that one day we too will be in another world, would those we had connected with in spirit be pleased to greet us? The question being did you serve them well.
Take a minute now to go within. See how it feels. Have you served the spirit world with the best intention and a pure heart? When we have this awareness, we begin to become more authentic when we bring through messages to loved ones here on earth.
It is important to know that you do play a part in regards to the work you do. When communicating with loved ones in the other world there is always a blending of souls.
Be honest with those you sit with on earth and those in the spirit world. Often just by becoming more aware of the terminology you use when you are relaying information is part of this. For example, some people say they are hearing messages when maybe they are actually seeing or sensing the message.
Communicating between the worlds can be a very sensitive reunion of souls and a mix of many different messages and emotions. It is my opinion from my years of seeking and searching that our development is very important. Everyone has a different road to travel here on earth and it is imperative to take the time to get to know yourself. I always remember and love Rachel Hunter’s quote in the Pantene commercial “It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.” Check in often with your soul and ask yourself why you have chosen this path. Dedicate your days to sitting in the quiet, give yourself time to connect within and hear the soul’s message. Learn to listen and sense when working with the other world and give what you get.
Coming up in March in Sydney, Australia, I will be presenting an exciting and uplifting workshop. This event will change the way you see yourself and the work you do as a medium. I have been given the opportunity to speak for two and a half hours on a subject I am passionate about and hold very dear to my heart, Mediumship and the role we play. Hope you will join us.